Applied Academics

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Our Academic Programs

All Solterra Academy classes foster the overall development of the student in a structured, supportive learning environment. Each student’s program is highly individualized according to the student’s profile of strengths and areas of need.

Applied Academics

Solterra Academy offers academics tailored for functional application to daily living, emphasizing the core subjects of reading, writing and math, with alignment to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These programs are available for students in elementary throughout the age of 21. Comprehensive vocational education for Grade 7 through age 21 are inclusive of career awareness, skill assessment and job exploration, job shadowing and job coaching, on-site cottage industries, skill training and community job placement as appropriate.


Programming For Academically Challenged Students With ED ​

▧   Classes at the elementary, middle and high school levels (ages 5-21)

▧   Remedial reading instruction inclusive of the Edmark and Wilson Reading systems, as appropriate

▧   Speech/language services incorporated into all classrooms, as well as individual sessions (per IEP)

▧   Adaptive physical education provided as needed

▧   Integrated use of technology, including SMART Boards and Apple iPads

▧   High School credits awarded, as applicable

▧   Occupational and physical therapy, group and/or individual, as designated by the IEP

▧   Integrated therapeutic intervention, including individual and group therapy

▧   On-site psychiatric services, family outreach, parent training and after-hours crisis service

▧   Consultation and integration with outside community agencies as applicable

Other Services & Features

▧   40-day diagnostic programming (S.T.R.I.D.E.)

▧   School consultation and community training & individualized transition planning

▧   Comprehensive assessment provided, per PPT decision

▧   Occupational, physical and speech/language therapies

▧   On-site medical laboratory services

▧   SMART Boards in all classrooms and use of Apple iPads as applicable

Do you have a student or know a student ?

Do you have a student in your school or your care who could benefit from specialized education and programming? Reach out to us today to learn more about Solterra Academy and the programming we have to offer.
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