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Solterra Academy South

The Assessment Center at Solterra Academy offers families and schools psychological evaluations that can assist with the diagnosis of mental health issues and can also provide information to the Planning and Placement Team to assist with determination of special education eligibility and exceptionality.  Our individualized assessments tap into the strengths and weaknesses of the child to answer specific referral questions, interpret the results for parents and students, and provide useful recommendations for needed supports and interventions.   

Psychological assessments are performed  by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Once a successful assessment is completed parents and teachers will receive tailored recommendations to effectively plan a child’s mental health and educational needs. 

A room for children and families to get comfortable during their visit

Our Assessments

Autism Assessments

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Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations

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Risk Assessments

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Young Adult Diagnostic / Transitional Evaluations

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Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations for school aged children:

Depending upon the referral questions, these evaluations may address various aspects of the child’s functioning including: ​

What takes place during an evaluation?

Review of background information, school records, and previous evaluations


A clinical interview


Completion of rating scales by parent, child and teacher/provider


Standardized testing


Projective assessments 

Psychological Assessment

What can you learn from an evaluation?

Comprehensive evaluations can assist with the diagnosis of mental health issues and can also provide information to the Planning and Placement Team to assist with determination of special education eligibility and exceptionality.  Evaluations can also provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses to help guide treatment recommendations regarding interventions and needed services/supports.

What should you expect from your appointment?

Clinical Interviews and face to face testing can last from one to four hours.  Evaluations can be broken into multiple sessions to accommodate the needs of the child and the family.  Because parents will need to meet with the psychologist without the child present, they will need to bring a responsible person to monitor the child while they are meeting with the psychologist or will need to schedule an additional appointment to complete that portion of the assessment at a different time. 

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What should you bring to the appointment?

For your appointment, you will need to bring contact information for mental health service providers and medication prescribers, as well as lists of present and past psychiatric medications and the results of any relevant medical or genetic testing. School records, progress reports, previous evaluations or other relevant background information.

For referring school districts, a referral packet should include the following information:

After the Assessment

In addition to the written report, the comprehensive psychological evaluation also includes a meeting with the parents to review results, as well as participation by phone in a PPT meeting to review findings. 

Other services, such as conducting an observation of the student in their school placement, meeting with school staff or attending a PPT in person are available for an additional fee.

Request More Information

Learn more about our psychological assessments.


Insurance Carriers We Accept

We accept a variety of Health Insurance Plans including: 

CIGNA, United Behavioral Health General, United Veterans Affairs Coordinated Care,  Connecticare, Harvard Pilgrim,  Choice Plus, UMR, Oxford (Liberty, Freedom, and Commercial), River Valley, Providence, All Savers, Anthem (includes  Century Preferred PPO Network and Blue Cross and Blue Shield), Husky. 

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